Blog Description

Being a Stay At Home Mother was never in my plans. I hadn't planned on Wiping little tushies, carrying on conversations in gibberish, or watching Duck Tales over and over....Join me on my journey and adventure of transitioning from a Working Mommy to a Stay At Home Mommy!


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Sunday, March 11, 2012

What I Learned This Week

What I Learned This Week:

1.  Cooking can be fun!  Although just because the Food Network makes it look easy, doesn't mean it is.

2.  I love my Dyson Vacuum

3.  Lord of The Rings is better than Therapy!

4.  There is something very relaxing about coloring with your Kid... even if it is a Star Wars coloring book!

5.  Having a Kitten isn't for Sissies!  (My kitten is Satan's Furball-he is brutal!!)

6.  Not working 40+ hours a week makes it a lot easier to keep up on Laundry, Dishes, Cooking, and cleaning!

I feel like I am getting the hang of this SAHM thing!  Time will tell...